Our Work

Behavioral Health Integration

The gap between those who need mental health and/or substance use treatment and those who receive it is great. According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 94% of people aged 12 or older with a substance use disorder did not receive any treatment. Closing this gap requires integrating behavioral health solutions into healthcare and community settings. But implementation can be daunting.

How We Help

At Mosaic Group, we know the strategies that open doors and close treatment gaps. We are experts in behavioral health integration with a proven track record in hundreds of communities.

Our programs like “Reverse the Cycle”—now used in 70 hospitals—employ validated screening tools and on-site, well-trained peer recovery coaches to connect patients with behavioral health services, regardless of their initial medical condition. In addition, we offer programs that integrate behavioral health solutions into non-medical settings such as schools and community organizations.

Fully Integrated Solutions

At Mosaic Group, we’re dedicated to your success. We don’t just introduce a program, do a training, and leave you to figure it out. We take the time to get to know your organization and then customize the strategies to your setting, workflow, staffing model, data collection, and reporting requirements.

Behavioral Health Means Whole Health

We understand that fully addressing substance use disorders and mental health needs goes beyond identifying and treating a single issue. When you work with Mosaic Group on behavioral health integration, you also tap into our expertise in social and structural determinants of health and community solutions for health equity.

Building Your Community Health Workforce

Evidence shows that community health workers reduce hospitalizations, improve health outcomes, and save money. Experience shows that interdisciplinary teamwork and complex protocols are required for community health workers to succeed. Mosaic Group understands the intensity of this effort, and we have practical, well-tested strategies for recruitment, training, support, and continuous improvement.

Building Your Peer Recovery Workforce

We have decades of experience developing and supporting peer coaching programs to enhance on-the-ground outreach and care. Our approach to using validated screening tools, coaching training, and supportive services help you make effective behavioral health integration a reality.

Ready to Implement Systemic Change? Contact Us Today.

Whatever your vision—and whatever your barriers—we design and implement effective and sustainable plans to achieve that vision. Mosaic Group builds systemic change that works.

What We Do

Take a look at Our Services for a more comprehensive list of what we provide.

Recent News & Resources

2024 Beacon of Hope Award Call for Nominations

2024 Beacon of Hope Award Call for Nominations

Mosaic Group is excited to announce that nominations are open for the 2024 Mosaic Group Beacon of Hope Award. This prestigious award recognizes exceptional contributions and achievements in substance use response, prevention, and harm reduction, specifically in peer...

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Our Impact

Mosaic Group’s Work Recognized by the Pew Charitable Trusts

The Pew Trusts’ Stateline article, “Most Hospital ERs Won’t Treat Your Addiction. These Will,” cites Mosaic Group’s work combating the opioid epidemic in Maryland.

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